So Many Things to Blog, So Little Time
Okay, so, two months later, she comes back swinging. Yes, I can FINALLY walk and show homes. And I didn't really blog much due to the fact that pain meds really do mess with your mind - badly.
So now, I can think of a bunch of things to say.
1. I am in Oklahoma City, OK. I came with my husband as he has a two-week class. Why in the world the government put all the FAA classes in OKC, I will never know. But the compund is impressive and a bit like Fort Knox.
2. Yes, I AM working from here. I actually have clients coming in next week from Washington State and have been on the phone and email with themevery since I arrived here. I am excited to be back up and running (well, that's a total figure of speech!) The doctor said the swelling in my foot won't go down for about a year. But, hey, what's flip flops for a year compared to not walking! Oh, and did I mention the Oklahoma State Fair is here right now!
3. The housing market reports are looking really good. However, when you look below the surface on things such as pricing, there isn't as rosey a picture. Take the areas I work in: There has been an inventory shortage of houses on the market. This has once again started many a bidding war and driven prices up a bit as reflected in the reports. But really, when the banks start unloading their vast supply of bad loans (foreclosures and short sales) which Obama said had to be done by 2014, the market will once again be flooded and in turn the prices will once again drop. Check out this article!
Anyways, more to come in future blogs. Stay tuned for adventures in OKC and more real estate news.
And if you are thinking of moving, definitely pick a local expert and someone you can trust. I will be more than happy to answer your questions or help you with your real estate needs.
Warmest Regards,
Linda K. Mayer,
Realtor, Office Manager
License # 01767321
A Realtor you can Trust!
(626) 824-8927 Cell
Linda's Website
Linda K. Mayer,
Realtor, Office Manager
License # 01767321
A Realtor you can Trust!
(626) 824-8927 Cell
Linda's Website
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