Okay, so I read this extremely intersting article today about how
much Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Klout really matter. The girl who wrote this article in FORBES interviewed a big-time recruiter who gave his take on each of the four platforms given above.
Regarding TWITTER: His verdict was that while many people can have many followers on Twitter, it doesn't necessarily mean that their postings or retweets have good content or are worth reading. If a person posts a lot of content about industry specific items it means they have a passion for the industry and for Twitter which is a plus. He did go on to say he likes to follow people he works with so as to better build a closer relationship.
LINKEDIN is probably the most important tool in a recruiter's arsenal. It is more for professionals and I personally have many contacts there that are higher in companies that people on Facebook or Twitter. I even have some of my old political contacts there who are higher in the food chain than many. His comment was that we should all use LinkedIn to keep our "line in the water" so to speak and keep that particular profile up to date and as thorough as possible.
I love KLOUT! It is new to me and I have just started to discover how it works. My score has increased by 8 points since I started about three days ago, and I'm hoping with that, my influence. But, back to the article. The recruiter in this interview says that this is merely the beginning of importance for Klout. His description is that "Klout looks at the forest rather than the trees". It looks at the big picture!
His final advice is to know who can see what you post and how to hide what you don't want seen by everyone, such as pictures.
When you look at how much this pertains to us, even though we aren't looking for a job, I think it's extremely relevant. After all, aren't we simply interviewing all the time to be someone's selling agent or buyers agent?
Warmest Regards,
Linda K. Mayer,
A Realtor you can Trust!
(626) 824-8927 Cell
Linda K. Mayer,
A Realtor you can Trust!
(626) 824-8927 Cell
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